Friday, February 9, 2007

Kids on Nutrition

If you have small children it is very important that you keep a close consideration about the nutrients that they are ingesting since it will be a major issue in their development as they become adults. Kids on nutrition programs have shown that they can become much more successful because of different factors that alter their conditions such as learning abilities and stamina levels which are sufficient for their concentration and physical effort. Kids nutrition is a very important aspect of the development of any human being, it is important that we start learning about the different nutrition elements so that each and every single one of us can achieve a healthier way of life.

Many people do not understand the importance of having kids on nutrition programs, but it is a major aspect in your children's health. Without nutrition programs kids may suffer from different health problems that will definitely hamper their development during their lives, they may experience a whole lot of situations that could later develop into serious problems or conditions that would require medical attention for their support. One of the major problems that we encounter in kids without the sufficient education on nutrition is fat kids.

Having kids on nutrition programs will definitely lower the possibility of having fat kids, and this is not only a visual problem that may damage your kid in a psychological level but it is also a major issue when talking about health since having overweight problems since childhood might develop into very serious health problems when a person reaches adulthood. You should seriously start considering about kids nutrition since it will help them to acquire a better way of life and a healthier state of mind and body that will allow them to acquire an excellent way of life which they would remember the rest of their lives.

Having kids on nutrition programs is not a difficulty at all, you only need to measure the quantities of food that they eat depending on the kind of meals that they are ingesting, you should lower fats and you should encourage them to ingest more proteins and vitamins. Kids nutrition is a very important aspect of everyone's life and it has become one of the most popular methods of control for fat kids, you could check many of them surfing the Internet or otherwise you could attend a professional nutritionist for information on how to control your kits weight. It is also very important to have kids on nutrition programs since it is the only possible way that you may have for controlling all of the different problems that develop based on bad nutrition habits.

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Herbal Nutrition Supplements: The 5W's

Herbal nutrition supplements are everywhere these days. So should you be taking them? To help you decide for yourself, here are the whos, whats, whens, wheres and whys on herbal nutrition.

Herbal Nutrition Supplements: What Are They?

The National Library of Medicine gives this definition: "Herbal supplements are a type of dietary supplement… that contain herbs, either singly or in mixtures".

Herbal nutrition supplements come in a variety of different forms, however, and some are better and safer than others. The Mayo Clinic advises you to "select products that have been scientifically tested".

Quality Herbal Supplements: Why Take Them?

There is a good chance that quality herbal supplements may be a healthy choice for you. Herbal nutrition supplements are excellent for people who are unable to meet their nutritional requirements because of food allergies, medical conditions, or busy schedules that don't leave enough time to control and monitor nutrient intake.

Quality Natural Supplements: Who Should Take Them?

Herbal nutrition supplements can be very beneficial for a wide range of people who need to fill in the nutritional gaps left by an incomplete diet.

However, there are also people who should not take herbal nutrition supplements. Check with your doctor first if you have:

High blood pressure Thyroid problems Parkinson's disease An enlarged prostate gland Blood clotting problems Diabetes Heart disease Epilepsy Glaucoma History of stroke Liver problems Or, if you are pregnant or nursing Herbal Nutrition Supplements: When Should You Take Them?

Herbal nutrition supplements can serve as a great complement to your diet or as an addition to conventional medicine. It's important to note, however, that in some cases, combining herbal nutrition supplements with other medicine can be lethal. If you're currently taking any doctor prescribed or over-the-counter medicine, be sure to consult your doctor before taking any herbal nutrition supplements.

Quality Herbal Supplements: Where Do You Find Them?

Herbal nutrition supplements are not all created equal. The Mayo Clinic warns that you "be extremely cautious about taking herbs manufactured or purchased outside the United States." They add that, "toxic ingredients and prescription drugs have been found in some herbal supplements manufactured in other countries." Your best bet is to stick to well-known products with wide usage and a popular history.

Herbal nutrition supplements, when used by the right person, at the right time can have incredible health benefits. If you think herbal nutrition supplements might be right for you and you'd like to learn more, click here to take a nutrition survey.

For more information on nutrional supplements please visit my site at Herbal Current( You can also get a free weight loss analysis at My Body mass index.(

Finding a Nutrition Course Online

With more and more people dealing with chronic illnesses, individuals are looking to learn about nutrition and really understand the principals behind how to care for each and every cell of the body through proper nutrition. The pursuit of education about nutrition is made confusing with the publication of sensationalized books on miracle cures and fad diets which have little basis in science and quickly show themselves to do more harm than good. As many schools do not have open courses on nutrition, finding a nutrition course online has become the best source of education for people wishing to learn more about health and nutrition.

When looking for a nutrition course online, first seek out the approach of the school. What is their curriculum? What is the approach of their teaching? Do you get materials to review on your own or is all of the information exclusively available online? When you complete the course, what sort of degree do you receive and is it accredited? If you are learning about nutrition for your own application an online nutrition course that is not accredited may not be a concern to you, but what if you decide to make a new career with the application of your knowledge? Finding a nutrition course online, from an accredited school, could be a very important issue.

The next factor to consider for your nutrition course online is, when the classes are held and how long you have to complete the program. If you have a busy schedule it may be difficult to schedule regular online lectures if they are held live. Being able to watch archive lectures or watching DVDs allows you to work the class work into your personal schedule.

Learning about nutrition can be a very rewarding experience and is something from which you can truly benefit. But keep in mind that nutrition is the study of the science of providing nourishment to the body and is more complex than a simple series of eating guidelines. When you take a nutrition course online, expect to learn a lot and expect it to be a challenging, but very rewarding experience.

Dave Saunders is a professional lecturer, and certified nutritional educator. He enjoys creating interconnections through his writings and lectures to help others create context and see new discoveries and technologies in more a practical light. You can find out more about new discoveries in health and nutrition at

The Dangers of Crash Dieting

Perhaps in your thinking of losing weight, you have come across several probable methods. Aside from proper exercise techniques that require quite some time and effort, you may have encountered several diets which would seem beneficial but hard to do. Because of these difficulties, maybe the only option for you is to resort to crash dieting.

What is crash dieting?

Crash dieting is basically a quick solution many people come up with to lose weight. People may look at a mirror and notice their unwanted figure, so they think that by not eating literally starving themselves, they will lose the extra pounds. It's a quick solution because it usually occurs for only a few days (usually less than a week), afterwards it's back to regular meals.

Difference from other diets

The main difference between crash dieting and other forms of diet (e.g. Atkins, South Beach, etc.) is that crash diets are usually short-term. Most diets are programs that are designed to help you lose weight and keep it off, encouraging you to make that particular diet a lifestyle instead of simply a weight loss method. If in crash dieting you are avoiding food (or eating very little), diet programs have specific foods to eat and to avoid, which you are expected to act on for the duration of the program, normally for the rest of your life.

Is it a healthy way to lose weight?

If you're asking yourself this same question, the answer is a flat-out NO. There are many different reasons why crash dieting is unhealthy, while there are few to no experts who believe that there are health benefits. Basically, if you are looking to lose weight, crash dieting is not a good way to do it, and here are several reasons why.

One, by not eating, or drastically cutting down on your food intake, you deprive your own body of natural nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, protein, carbohydrates, etc. We all know what will happen when the human body lacks nutrients, the risks of getting ill are higher. This is aside from generally feeling weak throughout the crash diet period.

Two, in crash dieting, you are slowing down your body metabolism, which is what allows you to burn fat and calories effectively and efficiently. You are doing the exact opposite of what you set out to do. You may not be gaining weight, but you aren't burning fat and calories either. When you eat normally again, you will most probably gain some weight since your metabolism is already slow.

Third, you might notice that you are becoming skinnier as the time passes in your crash diet period, but don't take it as burning fat, you are actually losing some muscle mass. This is not a good thing as this is what makes your body a fat burning machine.

Because you lost muscle mass, the next time you eat is going to be worse, you will gain back the weight plus more pounds.

To sum it up, crash dieting will make you lose some pounds, but not those unwanted ones, which are excess fat and calories. It's an unhealthy way of losing weight and is the start of the "yo-yo" process (lose weight, gain more, lose again, and so on). For the benefit of your health, crash dieting should not be taken into consideration.

What are the alternatives to lose weight?

The best possible way to lose weight, as suggested by both nutritionists and fitness experts, is a combination of a healthy diet and exercise. Exercising while not having the proper diet will lead to inefficiency in weight loss, while diet without exercise will prevent you from gaining weight, but will not do as much in terms of losing it. By integrating the benefits of both a healthy diet and exercise into your lifestyle, you will turn your body into a fat burning machine, allowing you to lose weight and keep it off.

The next time you take a look at the mirror and frown at what you see, don't worry too much, there are various ways to beat the battle of the bulge. Crash dieting is certainly not one of them, as this presents more potential risks than benefits. A healthy, proper diet, combined with exercise is the best way to go about it.

Healthy Weight Loss, Dieting and Fitness Tips You'll begin to find a healthier, thinner you.

Fourteen Reasons Why Dieting Is Bad For Your Health

1. The lower the calories eaten per day, the harder it is for you to get your daily requirements of proteins and vitamins.

2. Dieting makes your body believe it is starving so it starts to save fat, as this is its best way to store energy.

3. Losing weight means digesting your own body tissues instead of food and unfortunately, dieting does not tell your body what parts it needs to digest or which parts to save.

4. Severe dieting causes muscle loss and if you are unlucky the loss may be from your heart with severe consequences.

5. Dieting will make you difficult to live with and your family may want to kill you.

6. Dieting changes your body chemistry and one effect may be bad breath.

7. If you're a smoker you may smoke even more to dull the hunger pangs.

8. Binge eating, generally with very unsuitable foods often follows dieting.

9. Dieting makes you food obsessed.

10. Breaking a diet often results in guilt, poor self esteem and despair often followed by comfort eating.

11. Dieting emphasises food as a reward or compensation - so called 'comfort eating' where food is used to cheer us up or because it's raining we are somehow entitled to eat lots of sweets or cakes.

12. Dieting lowers the base metabolic rate which means you can live on less food, so when you return to your normal food intake which was already too high, you put on weight even faster than before and will probably end up heavier than before the diet.

13. Dieting does nothing to teach you to eat healthily. Healthy eating does not mean going hungry.

14. Dieting often causes constipation and this concentrates toxins and carcinogens within the bowels and they are present for a longer period. Fruit and vegetables have a positively beneficial effect on the smooth running of your digestive system.

Attention! Read This Before Wasting Hundreds, Possibly Thousands On Expensive Online Fitness Programmes, "Wonder-Cures", Fad Diets Or Potentially Dangerous Low-Carb Experiments...