Monday, February 19, 2007

Weight Loss Tips, Tricks, And Special Tactics

At one time, nutritionists and health experts believed that
healthy people do not need to use detoxification procedures as
long as they maintain and eat a well- balanced diet. A Danish
chemist recovered from "the point of death" by using sauna.
"Dry sauna" has been used for centuries to reverse symptoms in
the Hg miners of Spain.

Green tea is also a great immune-enhancing health-booster and
anti-cancer agent, with flavonoids and polyphenols thought to
inhibit tumor formation.

Technology. We live in a grand time of technological
development. Computers, the Internet, cell phones, digital
cameras and DVDs. But the human body has not 'kept up' with
technology. Teens partying late at night and imbibing drugs and
alcohol for added fun, often dominated the silver screen. Quite
a pretty picture isn't it? Oftentimes teens see it as an
epitome. Although Hollywood does its part to show a different
side of alcohol and drug addiction with movies like
"Trainspotting" and "Girl Interrupted", the character still
ended up being glamorous and ideal in nature and often
overshadows the dark side of addiction.

Weight Loss Tips, Tricks, and Tactics

I personal lost 60 pounds in 2005. Here are some tactics I used
to lose the weight.

Eat every three hours. This will keep your blood sugar stable.
Try to eat real food at least three times a day, breakfast,
lunch and dinner. In between your food meals take a good meal
replacement shake or bar.

Never eat a carbohydrate by itself. This is basically all
sugar. When you eat a carbohydrate by itself there is a sudden
increase in sugar in the body. This causes the body to release
insulin. However, the body releases too much insulin because it
thinks more sugar is coming. The insulin basically grabs the
sugar/carbohydrate and stores it to fat for use at some other
time. Since your body released too much insulin there is not
enough sugar to support the brain function. That is why you
feel tired or sluggish. So you're fatter and dumber.

Watch the gums and mints. Many of these little gums and mints
contain calories, sugars, and everything else that is not good
for you. Read the labels, if it has sugar in it do not eat it.
Time is relative and no two individuals will give the same
measurement of time to achieve their goals. It depends on what
you are accustomed to in your life.

Do I believe in detox? Well, most of it is plain simple
commonsense - proper diet, judicious supplementation, adequate
rest, exercise, stress-relieving techniques.

It is also important to understand that detoxification do not
work in isolation. It requires careful understanding of the
different substances that will help the body recuperate and
fight back diseases. Have you ever washed greasy dishes without
hot water or dish soap? The dishes don't get clean, do they?
When toxic metals and chemical food additives get inside your
body, it takes a strong "cleanser" to scrub your body clean
from the inside out.

On the other hand, drug dependence often begins with the misuse
of legal drugs like prescription drugs and inhalants. Inhalants
are legal substances that becomes illegal when use in a manner
that causes a person to get high. Eat foods that have 30% or
less, calories from fat. Everyone is on this big no
carbohydrate craze. However, did you know that 1 gram of
carbohydrate contains 4 calories, 1 gram of protein contains 4
calories, and 1 gram of fat contains 9 calories? There are over
twice as many calories in a single gram of fat, than in a
protein or carbohydrate.

To find out how many calories are from fat check the label. The
label will list the total calories and then list how many
calories are from fat. If there are 100 total calories, and
there are 70 calories from fat, that's 70%, too high.

Give yourself one reward day to eat and drink whatever you
want. You worked hard all week, reward yourself.

Alcohol is a converted to a sugar. Save it for your free day.
If you do drink, it might also be helpful to take hydroxycitric
acid capsules about 30 minutes before drinking. Hydroycitric
acid is from the herb Garcinia Cambogia. This interferes with
the enzyme that converts excess sugars into triglycerides,
lessening the likelihood the alcohol will be stored as fat.

Drug and alcohol rehab serves a single purpose for any addicted
person and that is to help this person to stop using the drug or
drugs that they are dependent on. There has been a lot in the
news lately about the amazing healing properties of turmeric, a
free-radical-fighting antioxidant-rich curry spice that has been
hailed as a defense against both cancer and Alzheimer's.

Did you know that most deodorants have aluminum as their active
ingredient? Your body quickly absorbs this metal, solving the
day's odor problem. Research has shown that addiction is
treatable. Drug Detox today and pass your drug test!

Conventional, mainstream (allopathic) medical practitioners
have yet to latch on to this concept, since they're only
trained to treat diseases and symptoms specifically without
treating the patient as a whole.

Making simple detox diets are relatively uncomplicated, but you
may need some time to see perfect it. To get you started, here
are some easy guidelines in making simple detox diet.

About The Author: Drug Detox today and pass your drug test!
More at

Enjoying A Healthy Pregnancy With A Pregnancy Diet

Discovering that you are pregnant opens a whole new world
before you. Suddenly, your focus shifts as your one and only
job becomes just nine months long; to attend to the health of
you and your baby. If you are not a person who visits the
doctor often then the transition to monthly - and soon weekly -
doctor visits can feel strange. But these visits are just one of
the things you will be doing to ensure the health of your fetus.
As you will soon discover, pregnancy diet is another.

As we all know, eating a proper diet can save us a lifetime of
health problems and even early death. Even with this knowledge
it can still seem a battle to maintain a healthy diet. But with
pregnancy, suddenly it is no longer just about us. And when the
results of a healthy pregnancy diet can mean a healthy
pregnancy, a full-term, problem-free delivery, and a healthy
baby - then it doesn't seem like much of a battle anymore.

Following a proper pregnancy diet ultimately means following
the instructions of your doctor. Depending on your
pre-pregnancy health and weight, your doctor will indicate how
much/little weight it is advised that you gain. Be sure to
monitor you weight gain accordingly as excessive weight gain
can result in problems such as hypertension and gestational
diabetes. Your doctor will advise you as to the number of daily
calories that are healthy for your particular body.

Aside from caloric considerations, a pregnancy diet means
focusing on healthy foods. Try to avoid foods high in salt,
fat, and preservatives. Also minimize fried and greasy foods.
Instead, focus on natural, whole foods such as fresh fruits,
green leafy vegetables, and complex whole grains. Also be sure
to introduce lean meats such as chicken and fish as great
sources of protein.

As part of your pregnancy diet, you will also more than likely
be advised by your doctor to increase your calcium intake
through yogurt, milk, soy, and cheese.

As a supplement to your pregnancy diet you will more than
likely be given a pre-natal vitamin to round out your
nutritional needs. This vitamin also includes a higher dose of
iron which is essential to a healthy pregnancy.

In addition to eating what you are advised to eat, it is just
as important to avoid those things that you are advised
against. Be sure to follow the instructions of your doctor in
eliminating those foods that are not a part of a healthy
pregnancy diet.

Pregnancy can be a wonderful journey; and certainly a healthy
one if you stay committed to following the advice of your
doctor and a healthy, well-rounded pregnancy diet.

About The Author: For easy to understand, in depth information
about pregnancy visit our ezGuide 2

Healthy Weight Loss

The most successful, healthy weight-loss plans will require you
to eat healthier and do regular exercise to help you lose weight
and maintain your new figure. Supplements, diet pills, eating
plans and exercise equipment on their own won't help you lose
weight and keep it off long-term, unless you are dedicated to
changing your lifestyle for the better.

According to the American Obesity Association, by losing a
small amount of weight - around 5 - 10% of your initial weight
- you can reduce the risk of serious health problems like heart
disease, diabetes, high blood pressure arthritis, respiratory
disease and even some forms of cancer. Just imagine losing even
more weight than this. The benefits and change in your life
would be dramatic. But, how do you lose weight the healthy way
and benefit from all the health related changes that come with
losing weight the best way?

Weight-loss Programs (diets):

Healthy weight-loss programs combine eating nutritional foods
with regular exercise to help encourage the body to convert
stored fat in the body into glucose to act as fuel, so you are
not only losing weight, you have more energy. Often, people get
into the bad habit of yo-yo dieting, which is the act of losing
weight, then gaining it right back and then start dieting
again. By learning a healthy, easy-to-stick eating and exercise
plan over a traditional diet, you will not only lose weight the
healthy way, you will notice a raise in self-esteem, improved
health and learn to keep weight off long term.

The only way that the body can lose weight is to burn more
calories than your body is taking in. Don't make the mistake of
thinking that just because you need to eat fewer calories, you
have to eat less food. Healthy eating plans are all about
educating yourself on which foods can be eaten in large amounts
and which foods must only be eaten in small portions. But, most
of all, it is important to remember that when you are losing
weight the healthy way, you never need to starve yourself or go
hungry. You just need to learn what different foods do to the

Some very popular diets these days are the South Beach Diet,
the Mayo Clinic Diet and the Cabbage soup diet.

Weight-loss Supplements:

There are many supplements available for those who are changing
to a healthier lifestyle and want to have some extra nutrition
or want a little help along the way. Just remember that no
matter how good a supplement is, it will not take the place of
proper nutrition and exercise. Diet pills are made to
complement your weight loss goals while using a logical eating
plan, as well as regular activity.

Vitamin and mineral supplements have become popular over the
years to help our bodies get the vitamins and minerals that are
lacking in the soil our foods are grown in. Many vitamins and
minerals are great complimentary practices and will help to
give you energy and an overall feeling of well being, as well
as assist in the shedding pounds process.

Some well known diet pills are Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA)
pills, Phentermine (prescription) and Hoodia Gordonii.

A word of caution, before taking any supplement, make sure that
you read the label carefully and speak to your doctor first if
you are currently on any medications or suffer from any

About The Author: Ken Black is the owner of - a site with lots of
information about Healthy Weight Loss.