Thursday, March 22, 2007

Disease & Illness, We Have Contaminated The Supplier

Contamination of the supplier is not only happening because of
high speed processing techniques that uses high temperatures
and chemical additives, but also because of the appalling
growing and harvesting techniques used in modern farming and

These so called "Saviour" techniques all focus on quantity and
profit rather than on quality.

The fact of the matter is, due to the unhealthy way that our
food is being produced:

. We are fat!
. We are unhealthy!
. We are diseased!

And this is happening at such alarming rates that it's making
the world become a disease hotspot.

We have all heard of and eaten in one of the big fast food
joints and we have seen the government health warnings about
their food.

I do hope that you take heed of what they said. They speak the
truth (sometimes).

Have any of you seen the documentary "Super Size ME" By Morgan

That was a bit of an over the top example of what can happen if
you eat only McDonalds for a month straight and do no exercise.

All in all, it wasn't supposed to be an attack solely on
McDonalds, it was a window into the average American lifestyle
and McDonalds just happens to be symbolic of that. That's
right, the AVERAGE AMERICAN. That's YOU.

What you fail to realise is that you are doing the same as he
did, even though it may be on a smaller level. But just because
the effects are not instantaneous, does not mean that they are
not damaging your body.

Do you really think that your body was created to take in the
amount of rubbish that you are eating?

Do you think that your grandparents would have known what a
"triple deluxe waffle cheeseburger meal" is? If there is not
one of these, I'm sure there will be one very similar soon.

The answer is NO. Of course it's bloody NO. This "hidden
butchery" is only a few decades old.

Why do we think that we can eat like this without any

It doesn't stop there. We are all guilty of pushing the
boundaries on what are bodies are capable of coping with. Yet
we continue to abuse our body and jeopardise our health for the
long term.

We fail to see the consequences of our actions. We are not
living our life to its fullest because being ill and being
unhealthy is holding us back from being the people we are meant
to be. Damn, I really don't like this.

Our stupid, greedy & uninformed actions are creating a whole
host of shocking diseases that the First World Nations have
come to think of as normal. These diseases are relatively
unknown in the developing world and could be avoided in those
countries altogether.

According to D. P Burkett a world renowned Surgeon:

"Many of the commonest diseases in the economically more
developed communities are characteristic of Modern Western
culture. Evidence is presented suggesting that they represent a
failure of adaptation to the dramatic changes in diet that have
been associated with the emergence of Modern Western Culture."

"These disorders can be considered to be manifestations of how
we have not adapted to a new environment."

"Over the last three decades, the concept of Western disease
has become well established. Medicine has approached this group
of diseases by searching for new cures but has achieved
relatively little success."

What each and every one of us is not realizing is that Modern
medicine is FAILING us.

Most of us still view our doctor as "God" and are frightened
into submission by them, to take whatever drugs they give us.
This is a perfect prescription for a 'Medical Dictatorship'.

That's right, and the unfortunate truth of the matter is. You
all know this is going on and yet you simply know no other way.
Lack of education about how our body works is one of the reasons

The Pharmaceutical Industry has shown that it is not capable of
providing balanced and informative pharmaceutical advertising.
Their interests lie in praying on the vulnerabilities of people
and exploiting them. Wake up, look at what is happening to the
planet, and look at what you are being fed.

Rarely does a pharmaceutical advertisement provide balanced
disease education or information. The less we know the better
for these giants of industry.

We as a society almost always associate knowledge with wisdom
and we have been conditioned to accept without questioning.

The results of doing this are catastrophic. We approve, we
fight over, we kill for the latest sure fire drug that is going
to change the world, but has it come? Will it come? And what
will we do if it doesn't?

The recipe that we use For our Life Is Killing Us.

We are systematically destroying the human race.

Dr. Neal Beard, M.D. in his book, Food For Life states the
following about the American diet.

"The results are tragic. There are 4,000 heart attacks every
single day in this country. The traditional four food groups
and the eating patterns they prescribed have led to cancer and
heart disease in epidemic numbers, and have killed more people
than any other factor in America. More than automobile
accidents, more than tobacco, more than all the wars of this
century combined."

It's time to open our eyes and see what is actually going on
around us.

I assume you have noticed people that are getting sick around
you and in your community. I would imagine you have someone
close to you that is also ill, maybe even yourself.

Any guesses why?

Instead of getting healthier, which we should be, as a result
of the modern world, we are actually getting sicker! Diseases
are reaching epidemic levels.

And the amazing thing is that disease has become commonplace
now. We are accepting the emerging disease state as

In the U.S., chronic conditions affect about 125 million people
and are the leading cause of illness, disability, and death.

An estimated 60 million people have two or more chronic
conditions. Bloody hell, look at the number, do they not tell
you something drastic is happening.

Cardiovascular Diseases and degenerative diseases, which are on
the rise, like Cancer, Obesity, and Diabetes, are increasing at
an alarming rate.

Heart Disease is the biggest KILLER in the entire world.

And, It's not only happening to Adults!

What is even more frightening is that these diseases are now
attacking our children.

Cancer is now the number one killer among children aged 1 to 14
and Cancer rates in children has risen by 20%.

That's alarming; but its not just cancer that is threatening to
kill our children. We also have to worry about other diseases
such as child hood Diabetes, Heart Disease, Digestive Diseases
and Obesity, etc.

Drug dependency used to be a thing that you heard from the
point of view of adults, not anymore, kids, young children are
now becoming dependant. Oh, how the coffers in the
pharmaceutical companies are rattling.

A healthy immune system will survive the onslaught of these
diseases, if kept to a minimum.
But that's exactly what is NOT happening.. We are not keeping
it to a minimum and our body is punishing us!

Why is this happening?

We live in a world full of major technological advances. Are
they not supposed to provide an answer and help keep us

I at least thought they were not meant to make us sick.

But we should have known, technological advances, medicine,
etc. have been and continue to be driven by Big Business and

We are getting sicker simply because we are suppressing our
immune system by polluting our bodies with chemicals and
pesticides produced by the multinational warlords.

We are producing and consuming food too rich in sugars, fats,
and proteins, but nutritionally deficient in vital disease
fighting nutrients such as phytochemicals, antioxidants, and

According to Dr. Chen

"The best doctor in the world is our immune system"

In order for the Immune System to get back into shape, we do
not need the medicine of the Pharmaceutical Companies that are
suppressing our immune system. We need those medicines that
naturally occur on this planet. This is what the Health Warrior
is about. Not about artificially made garbage that we shove into
every orifice in our body.


The author of this material believes in a natural, no drug
approach to creating vibrant health, energy and vitality
throughout life. A main part of his views are placed on
promoting and maintaining the perfect balance within the human

The author realizes that within medical and scientific fields
there are widely differing opinions and attitudes. This
material is written for the sole purpose of sharing educational
information and scientific research gathered from the studies
and experiences of healthcare professionals, scientists,
nutritionists, informed health advocates and the author.

The information contained in this eBook is for informational
and educational purposes only. It is not intended to constitute
medical practice nor medical advice. It is not intended to
diagnose, prevent, treat, or cure any disease, nor is it
intended to prescribe any of the techniques, materials or
concepts presented as a form of treatment for any illness or
medical condition.

Please, before beginning any practice relating to health, diet
or exercise consult a suitably licensed & qualified physician,
medical practitioner or healthcare provider about the
appropriateness of any opinions or recommendations in regard to
what symptoms you have or your own medical state.

Should you choose to make use of the information contained
herein without first consulting a health care professional, you
are prescribing for yourself, which is your natural right.

However, the author assumes no responsibility for which choices
you choose to make after your review of the information
contained herein and your consultation with a licensed
healthcare professional.

None of the statements in this article or in the book have been
evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration (FDA), or the
American Medical Association (AMA).

About The Author: You have many choices to make about your
health, do the right thing and visit for
your free ebook "Disease & Illness, The Truth Revealed, The
Lies Unveiled". A Final Word; don't waste your time if you are
not going to do anythin