What's with all the weight loss programs, foods, diets, plans,
programs and pills and the majority of Americans are either
overweight or obese? Do these products work or not and what
the heck is going on here anyway?
The answer is based on expectations. We want FAST weight loss
with minimum of fuss and problems. We don't want to make
changes in our lifestyles but want that magic pill that makes
us slim quickly. Deep down inside we know this isn't reality
but still can't seem to face the fact that we eat to much in
relation to the amount of activity and exercising we do.
The problem with the whole weight loss industry however is that
the marketing plays on our desire to quickly lose weight without
effort. Just look at all those ads and the one thing in common,
no matter if it's a weight loss supplement, exercise machine, or
food program is that they all hold out the promise that losing
weight is easy and quick! And we so want to believe that
there's this magic secret to weight loss that we buy into their
How sad! The fact is that we didn't gain all the weight in a
few days or months and we're unlikely to lose it that fast
either. Fast weight loss is the absolute worst type of diet
with the vast majority doomed to failure and to gain all that
fast weight loss right back. To make matters even more
difficult, fast weight loss sets a body up in starvation mode
so when eating resumes, your body will not only put on all that
weight but also a few extra pounds to protect itself during the
next famine.
So as the cycle of dieting and weight loss continues one time
after another, it becomes increasingly more difficult to lose
the weight and keep it off.
The question comes down to, why don't any of these programs
actually work? The answer, unfortunately, is that almost all
products work just does not live up to the marketing and our
expectations. A diet supplement that helps curb your appetite
and helps you to lose a pound or two each week is considered a
failure because we want fast weight loss and the hype promised
it would be easy. Losing weight isn't easy and never has been.
Notice that all weight loss products do one of two things.
They help us to either eat less or exercise more. That's it.
That's the secret to weight loss. Eating fewer calories than
we use up on a day to day basis is the key to any successful
weight loss program It's not fast but it IS effective.
About The Author: Abigail Franks has extensive knowledge and
personal experience with many diet programs. On her site you
will find honest and true information on losing weight. Visit
the site at http://www.weight-
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