Friday, March 30, 2007

Obesity: A problem Increasing By The pound

Copyright (c) 2007 Aiyana Rayne
Successful Office

No one should be surprised by the large percentage of Americans
over weight these days. With faster than ever growing food chains
and the way our money and appetites respond to walking past
endless, mouthwatering posters in restaurant windows, there's no
wonder why diet has become the talk of the century. As many have
learned, accomplishing "weight loss" as not nearly as easy as
it is to say it.

The facts are that 7.1% of children and adolescents 2-19 years of
age are overweight. That is over 12 and a half million children.
Of the adult population, 32.2% which is over 66 million are
obese; and almost 5% are extremely obese. Significant differences
in obesity between race and ethnic groups have also been
observed. Mexican-American and Afro-American girls were found to
be more overweight than non-Hispanic white girls. Where boys are
concerned, the prevalence of overweight was considerably higher
among Mexican-Americans than among both non-Hispanic black and
Non-Hispanic white boys. Approximately 30% of non-Hispanic white
adults, 45% of non-Hispanic Afro-American adults, and 36.8% of
Mexican-American adults were found to be obese.

A significant difference in age seemed to play a huge part as
well. Younger children are less likely to be overweight than
adolescents, and older adults are more likely to be obese than
younger adults. The weights of adults 80 and over tend to fall
into the same category of adults 20-39 years of age.

Overweight issues are the result of an imbalance between the
amount of food consumed and the amount of physical activity a
person gets. Factors that are considered linked to obesity
include increased potion sizes, eating out often, large
consumptions of sugar-sweetened drinks, excessive television,
computer and video gaming, a change in careers, stress, and fear
of crime; which lessens outdoor activity. Overweight adolescents
usually grow up to become obese adults. People gain weight when
the body takes in more calories than it burns off. The extra
calories are stored as fat. People who are obese are more than
just a few pounds overweight, which means that their calorie
intake has been more than I should have been for years.

A person's gene can play an important role in being obese, for
example, some people burn calories faster or slower than others.
It is odd how obesity works in families; members of a family can
eat the same foods, share the same bad habits and have a similar
mind frame when it comes to weight gain; however, only a few may
have weight problems. In most cases, weight problems come from a
combination of habits and genetic factors. Obesity can seriously
affect a person's health in more ways than a little bit. Of
course it can make a person feel tired and uncomfortable, as well
as wear down joints and put extra strain on other parts of the
body; but there are more serious consequences that come from
carrying extra weight.

Obesity in young children can cause illnesses that usually affect
the adult population, such as high blood pressure, high
cholesterol, liver disease, and type2 diabetes. As they get
older, they are subjected to even more problems such as the heart
disease, congestive heart failure, bladder problems, strokes,
breast or colon cancer, reproductive problems in women, and even

In addition to these things, small tasks such as walking, keeping
up, playing sports, and even breathing can become extremely
difficult. Depression is also very likely among people who are
over weight. They may often feel sad or angry and many people eat
to make themselves feel better, only to feel worse about eating

There is some good news, however; it is never too late for a
person to make changes in their eating and exercising habits.
Powerful health benefits can come from exercising as little as 30
minutes a day, everyday and paying close attention to what we put
into our bodies. Staying away from sugary soft drinks such as
sodas, and juice, and eating more fruits and vegetables can help
significantly. Also, keeping a food diary and developing a better
understanding of the nutritional value and fat contents of food,
changing grocery shopping habits, timing meals, running, and
walking is proven to do wonders for the body. Pills, and programs
that promise instant weight loss or feature severely restricted
diets are usually not effective and can be very dangerous.

A recent study has found that a key ingredient in over the
counter diet pills can increase the risk of stroke in women. Diet
pills are not a permanent solution to losing weight; in fact,
studies prove that almost all consumers regain that were shed.
Many people are initially discouraged during weight loss,
especially if they have put on excessive weight during the years;
but the sooner the change is started, the closer a person will
get to living a happier, healthier life.

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Foods Today Have Much Less Nutrition Than In The Past!

Many of us think that we are eating healthy, although there is
no doubt that Americans eat some unhealthy junk foods. An
alarming new study published in the Journal of Food Composition
and Analysis reveals that Americans are getting nearly one-third
of their calories from junk foods.

But even if we are trying to eat as healthy as we can, the
foods that we think are healthy are often far less nutritious
than they used to be. It is no coincidence that the quality of
healthy food has been deteriorating as malnourishment and
illness have been on the rise in the U.S. and other developed

Here's what several notable experts in the field have to say
about the quality of our food today:

* "Wheat from the US has been rejected at China's ports
because the protein content was so low," states Dr. Michael
Colgan, LaJolla, CA.

* A statement from the Agricultural Testament given to the
Congress of the United States states "the impoverished soil of
America no longer provides plant food with the mineral elements
essential to human nourishment and health."

* Dr. Alexis Carrel, Nobel Prize Winner says, "Chemical
fertilizers, by increasing the abundance of the crops without
replacing all the exhausted elements of the soil, have
indirectly contributed to change the nutritive value of cereal
grains and vegetables."

A recent analysis of a range of staple foods in Canada,
commissioned by The Globe and Mail and CTV news, included
potatoes, tomatoes, bananas, apples, onion and broccoli.

This is what the analysis found for potatoes:

Over the last 50 years the potato has lost:

* 100% of its Vitamin A
* 57% of its Vitamin C and iron.
* 28% of its Calcium.
* 50% of its riboflavin
* 18% of its thiamin

Of the seven nutrients analyzed only niacin levels had
increased. The results were similar for all the 25 fruits and
vegetables tested. One of the worst results was from broccoli
in which ALL nutrients had declined measurably including
niacin, with Calcium down 63%.

Tim Lang a professor at the center for Food Policy in England
says as a further example of how our food has been degraded is
that you would now have to eat eight oranges today to get the
same amount of Vitamin A that your grandparents got from eating
just one orange.

These foods that have low nutritional values play an important
part in obesity and poor health in general. How can the body
function when it doesn't get the good fuel it needs? Many
experts believe that the human body is capable of healing
itself of every disease known to man. However,we must give it
what it requires to heal itself and stop interfering with its
innate healing process.

What can be done about this problem?

* Try to eat organic fruit and vegetables wherever
* Avoid processed and junk foods! Not only are they
nutritionally empty, but they have harmful ingredients that
poison the body, such as trans-fats due to the hydrogenated
processing methods that are used.
* Take a quality nutritional supplement. A
multi-vitamin/mineral tablet is not adequate because they use
synthetic ingredients with both questionable efficacy and
bio-availability. They isolate a few nutrients and leave out
many other important nutrients. Find a nutritional supplement
that is made of whole foods. It should be raw so you get all
the enzymes you need as well.

The best raw whole food supplement I have ever found is called
FrequenSeaT by ForeverGreen. It is a raw food liquid supplement
based on the powerful nutrition of marine phytoplankton.

FrequenSeaT is comprised of hundreds of species marine
phytoplankton, which make their marine phytoplankton more
powerful than anything you can find elsewhere. The exclusive
extraction process allows them to combine the benefits of
phytonutrients with a natural and balanced composition of sea

FrequenSea's ingredients provide our bodies with the essential
minerals, nutrients, vitamins, co-enzymes, enzymes and amino
acids that we need to promote optimum health.

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