Saturday, April 7, 2007

How To Do Calorie Counting The Right Way

Losing fat and staying in great shape is a difficult task since
it is so hard to stay motivated and so tempting to cheat. For
dieters like us, there is a constant battle between emotion and
reason and when hungry, reason is out of the window and emotion
just wins. We do not see the immediate effects of our behavior
and therefore our brain is fooled into thinking that everything
is all right. On the other hand, let's say you would get very
sick when eating more than you need, overeating would stop very

We need to show this in a factual manner like an immediate
visual display of the results of our cheating. This will help
us to start to understand why we don't lose weight and can
pinpoint the causes.

First is a chart. In this chart, I would like to see over a
period of time the average calories I take per day compared
with the average calories that I burn per day. This can
determine the intake calories lower than the burned calories
and I will lose weight or vice versa I will gain weight.
Correlate that with your weight or BMI (Body Mass Index) over
time and having the tool that helps regulate my food
consumption versus my daily activities.

I can fine tune my meal plans and daily activities if I add my
hunger levels before and after the meals. This can sustain my
dieting for a long time and it will become my way of life. I
have minimized the hunger pain and increase the pleasure of
losing weight and feeling more attractive.

Free online food calorie calculators are available anywhere.
It just display nutrition facts and are not going to help you
lose weight. These are simple little gimmicks that are a waste
of your time.

If you seriously track and correlate your calorie intake and
calories burned over time, depending on your age, weight,
gender, height and individual activity intensity levels can
precisely measure your calorie balance. You can also see
immediately when you are off track and you can adjust your
situation accordingly.

Great health is a complex task. Diet, nutritional facts, meal
plans, calorie balance, body reading measurements, supplement
and medicine intake, exercise routines, daily activity
intensity and costs will make it very difficult for you to see
the forest for the trees.

Managing your health, fitness, weight loss, muscle mass gain or
any goal you have set can be very easy if there is well designed
software that keeps track of all of the above factors and can
correlate them.

About The Author: If you like this article, you might also like
my other must-read weight loss articles at - See You There!



Low Immunity Problems? Start A Discount Vitamin Regimen

Discount vitamins can give the first responders in our bodies
the equipment they need to fight disease and aging by boosting
our immune systems. So much depends upon this misunderstood,
complex collection of organs and glands, yet most people take
their immune system for granted. They don't know they have low
immunity until a problem breaks out elsewhere. The immune
system is not only the dragon at the door battling all
attackers, but the canary in the cage -- the first system to be
compromised when a person's health takes a turn for the worst.

Our society depends upon first responders, like firefighters,
police, and medical teams. They can't respond to emergency
without the proper tools, and neither can our immune systems.
That means good nutrition. When human beings were still
hunter-gatherers living in trees and caves, they had a more
balanced diet; now much of the junk food people consume is
actually harmful to the body. Stress, aging, prescription
drugs, tobacco and alcohol, poor diet, too little sleep, and
too much work all contribute to a weakened immune system. Plus
every year brings new threats from bird flu and other emerging
viruses until humanity is virtually under siege.

Now it's time to reinforce the immune system with those
important vitamins, amino acids, and enzymes that make a
difference in the body. It's never too late to begin a vitamin
regimen for general good health, especially when multivitamins
have become so common. Several recent studies have shown the
benefits of adding supplements to the average diet to boost the
immune system.

Vitamin D-3
The importance of Vitamin D in all its forms have been known
for centuries, for as long as humans have consumed milk. In the
Journal of Immunotherapy, 2000, Volume 23, scientists reported
how Vitamin D-3 treatments in mice enhanced the immune system's
reaction toward tumors. Studies showed that Vitamin D-3
increased T-cell immune activity against tumors and lessened
the chance of spreading to other tissue, or metastasis. In mice
and humans, a tumor leads to an increase in a bone marrow cell
called CD34, which naturally suppresses the effectiveness of
healthy T-cells to fight the tumor. Vitamin D-3 give T-cells a
boost, lowers CD34, and keeps the tumor from spreading. This is
exactly the kind of help the immune system needs.

Enzymes are one of the least understood of proteins, but also
one of the most important for healthy immunology. Enzymes
catalyze chemical reactions in the body -- they're like the
sewage system, treating substances entering the body. Because
enzymes can be inhibited or accelerated by other substances and
conditions, they can sometimes do more harm than good. A
stomachache is a simple example of this, and a common remedy is
taking an antacid, which attempts to inhibit digestive enzymes
in the stomach. Telomerase is an interesting enzyme that's been
getting a lot of press. Found in stem cells, it allows cells to
grow faster and live longer, and it's one of the reasons that
stem cells duplicate so quickly. Whether Telomerase is the
Fountain of Youth or one of the reasons for rapid cancer growth
is still being researched, but common enzymes are known to help
eyesight, digestion, and cell regeneration.

In both the human body and the lawn furniture, oxidation is a
chemical process best avoided. There's growing research that
antioxidants help to protect virtually every cell in the human
body, and we are discovering more and more antioxidants all the
time. Alpha-lipoic acid is showing up more frequently in
discount vitamins, because it reverses aging in cells.
Melatonin protects the membrane cytoskeleton of red blood cells
from structural changes due to oxidation. Vitamin C, Vitamin E,
and beta-carotene all do their best to protect the cells that
make up our most important senses, plus our skin and hair.
Selenium has been shown to block cancer growth in the breast
tissue of rodents. Alpha-lipoic acid even increases the
retention of Vitamin E in the cells of older people, as one
vitamin helps another.

Good Old Vitamins
Thiamine, Riboflavin, and Niacin are also known as Vitamins B1,
B2, and B3, respectively. They help the body convert
carbohydrates and fat into energy, while they promote proper
function of the heart, nervous, and digestive systems. Vitamin
B2 is needed to form red blood cells and antibodies, so it's
essential to the immune system. Riboflavin also helps prevent
many types of eye diseases, including cataracts, which afflict
many people in old age. Niacin is needed for a healthy liver
and metabolism, and it aids in repairing cells and DNA. Vitamin
E, Vitamin K, and Omega 3 fatty acids are all popular
supplements that help to maintain a healthy immune system.

The effect of garlic on the immune system has long been
debated, but there's no debate that garlic contains a natural
antibiotic, anti-fungal agent called allicin. Calcium and
Vitamins K and D are needed for good blood clotting and bone
formation. A person could make a life-long study of dietary
supplements and their uses, but the simplest way to start is
with a good multivitamin from a reputable firm.

Junk in, Junk out
Common sense is integral part of the immune system, because
protection starts with what we put into our mouths. Studies
reported in Cancer Letters have shown that a diet rich in n-6
fatty acids (corn oil) promotes inflammation and the growth of
tumors. Whereas a diet rich in fish oil, which contain lots of
Omega 3 fatty acids and Vitamin E, slowed inflammation of the
colon and other cancer-prone tissue. Hydrogenated cooking oils
are now in such disfavor they've been banned from the city of
New York. Whole books have been written on the dangers and
empty calories found in refined sugar and refined flour, so
there's no need to go into that here. Suffice to say that no
attempt to improve the immune system can survive a lousy,
careless diet.

Almost every week and especially during flu season, we get
treated to the usual articles stating that merely washing our
hands more often will help us avoid the sniffles. It sounds
simple -- it is simple -- but how many people heed these
warnings? No, we're more likely to stay out of drafts, when
it's been proven that drafts do not cause colds. Regular
check-ups with a doctor, regular blood tests, getting the
proper vaccines, and giving up bad habits -- such as smoking --
are all known to keep human beings healthier. Nobody even
debates that anymore, but how many of us take these simple
preventive steps to aid the immune system? Common sense goes
hand in hand with being healthy.

When Dr. Linus Pauling reported that Vitamin C helped the
immune system fight the common cold, it was big news in 1970.
Almost forty years later, there is really no excuse for
ignoring the beneficial effects of vitamins, minerals, and
other dietary supplements. Multivitamins are sold all over town
and the internet, often tailored to gender and age, so anyone
can start a vitamin regimen with complete confidence. So take
your discount vitamins, and give your immune system every break
it deserves.

About The Author: By a freelance writer for VitaNet ® Health
foods, who sells quality vitamins and
herbs with a wide selection of Discount Vitamins: that are in stock and ready to ship.
Please link to this site when using article.


5 Reasons Why You Should Take Vitamin, Mineral And Antioxidant Supplements

There is a vitamin, mineral and antioxidant supplement store in
almost every shopping mall in the United States. We can also
find vitamin, mineral and antioxidant supplement shelves in
almost every super market. More and more people are taking food
supplements today.

But there are quite a few people who still refuse to take
vitamin, mineral and antioxidant supplements. They think that
their diet is good enough and that they do not need to take any
supplements. Theoretically what they are saying may be true, but
in reality it is not possible to obtain all your nutritional
needs from just the food you consume.

Here are 5 reasons why vitamin, mineral and antioxidant
supplements are necessary in our daily life:

1.Eating a healthy and well-balanced diet every day is a
difficult task.
The USDA Food Consumption Survey discovered that only 3 % of
those surveyed actually ate healthful and balanced diets. And
no one met the RDA (Recommended Dietary Allowances – which are
set by the U. S. government about daily intakes.) consumption
of vitamins and minerals.

2.The food you eat now does not contain the same amount of
nutrition as it did in the past.
The nutrients in a soil have been exhausted over the years and
the vegetables and fruits grown on the farm have been loosing
its nutritious values. Therefore, the same amount of broccoli,
for instance, contains less calcium and vitamin C than it did
50 years ago.

3.The over processed and preservative added food removes
important nutrients.
Consuming even a very good diet is not sufficient if most of
the nutrients, vitamins and minerals in our food are diminished
by over processing and adding preservatives.

4.The RDA is only the lowest level of nutrient intakes that
will prevent deficiencies in apparently healthy human beings.
The RDA was developed originally to help people reduce the
rates of contracting severe nutritional deficiencies, like
scurvy, rickets, beriberi and so forth which are rarely seen in
our modern world. Instead, what we should be concerned with in
this industrialized world are the degenerative diseases, such
as heart disease, cancer, stroke, diabetes, osteoporosis and so
forth. In order to prevent the degenerative diseases, we need to
consume every day the optimal level of nutrients, beyond the RDA
recommended level.

5.Complete nutritional intake is necessary for optimal health.

Using scientifically researched, complete and balanced, and
quality nutritional supplements assures the necessary dietary
intake for optimal health.

Choosing the quality vitamin, mineral and antioxidant
supplements with safety, balance, completeness and potency in
mind will help apparently healthy people stay healthy while
lowering the provability of contracting degenerative diseases
and enjoying a healthier and longer life.

About The Author: Miko Matics is a health conscious nutritional
researcher. She will introduce more of her findings to you on
her site at


Seven Simple Steps To Effective Weight Control

I know what youre thinking, effective weight control, I wish!
What if I told you I have discovered seven simple steps to
living at your idea body weight for the rest of your life.
Would you like to hear more about it?

If youre like over 90 million Americans today, effective weight
control is just an unrealistic dream. Why? Because theyre
clinically obese. Do you have challenges with weight gain? Do
you always eat until youre fulland then some? Is uncontrolled
weight gaining a major concern for you now? Have you searched
for other solutions only to come up empty? If so, Im not

Losing weight is one of the most difficult challenges an
overweight person can have. Unfortunately, for so many, losing
the weight isnt nearly as fun as gaining the weight was. It
requires a great amount of discipline, self motivation and

Many people take the wrong approach to weight loss. They spend
thousands of dollars on one weight loss program after another
one, never finding anything that really works. The reason why
dieting alone doesnt work is because effective weight loss can
only be accomplished through raising your bodies metabolism and
adding some form of resistance training to a daily workout.
Basically, a major lifestyle change has to occur.

If you have a serious need for weight control, (especially if
your weight is currently out of control), this next section is
for you.

1.Begin a daily workout regimen as quickly as possible.
Exercise is at the top of my list because I believe many people
get into trouble when they change their diet but refuse to
change their physical activities. The right foods, minus
exercise, equals no lasting weight loss results.

2.Evaluate your eating habits. Do you regularly starve yourself
or always crave food? If so, immediately put consulting with a
dietician on the top of your to do list. Consistently eating a
decent portion without overeating is important.

3.Develop a plan. Once you have decided to take action, create
a simple, easy to follow game plan. Decide the types of food
youll eat, how long your workouts will be, etc.

4.Dont concern yourself with needing to lose a lot of weight
quickly. As far as weight loss is concerned, slow and steady
really does win the race. Remember, you probably didnt gain the
weight in two weeks, so its going to take longer than that to
lose it.

5.Get a workout partner. This step is critical because of many
factors. First, accountability will keep you from making
excuses or even taking days off. Second, you both will stay
motivated as you are working out, and losing weight, together.
Third, you can reward one another when youve reached certain

6.Educate yourself. If you will be successful with your new
decision, inundate your mind with living healthy. Read books
that will inspire you to stay on course without deviating.
Reading success stories of others gives us confidence that
weight loss is possible for us as well.

7.Develop persistence as a way of life. Decide now not to ever
quit. If you break the diet and eat McDonalds one day, dont
give up. Tomorrow is a new day. You are in control of this
thing called life. Get back into the ring and keep fighting
until you are the champion of your weight.

Coming from a man who has struggled with being overweight most
of my life, the above seven steps has changed my look, my
feelings and given me a new life. They may seem over
simplistic, however, they really work. For your personal weight
control, start now and dont you ever give up.

About The Author: Demond is an author, a freelance writer, a
Personal Development/ Business Coach who seeks to empower all
who come into contact with him. Demond is also the owner of To learn more about
this topic Demond recommends you visit: and


A Healthy Daily Diet For Weight Loss

Zero carbs. Fat flush. No dessert. Sound familiar? Losing
weight is hard enough as it is, and all the fad diets that come
and go make choosing a natural weight loss program much more
confusing. There seems to be no consistent source of
information. However, you can make real changes without
excessive hunger and discomfort. Simply commit to a healthy
diet to live by daily.

First, it's important to understand the basics for good
nutrition. The body's three primary nutrient needs include
protein, fats, and carbohydrates. The trick is choosing the
right low-fat proteins, unsaturated fats, and whole-grain
carbohydrates in reasonable portions. Even if your goal is not
natural weight loss, the basics for good nutrition are
essential to a healthy diet:

· Enjoy plenty of low-fat protein with every meal. Protein is
key to muscle growth and reduces feelings of hunger. As a
result, it gives you plenty of mileage to get to the next meal
without having to snack. Chicken and fish are leaner than red
meat and tend to be good choices. If you take advantage of
organic or local farmer sources, the flavor is superior and
there are no injected growth hormones. Don't forget bean
dishes, plus vegetarian chicken, burgers and bacon. Those with
high cholesterol can obtain protein from egg whites.

· Treat yourself to five servings of fruits and vegetables
every day. This sounds like a lot, but a serving is actually
fairly small. Also, the closer a fruit or vegetable is to its
natural state, the more nutrients are delivered to the body.
All-natural juices are also a great way to get more servings in
per day. Fruit satisfies your sweet tooth while reducing sugar
cravings. Organic fruits and vegetables are much healthier and
you will be completely overwhelmed by the difference in flavor.

· Indulge in whole grain carbohydrates. Don't completely
eliminate carbohydrates! Reduce them, yes, but don't eradicate
them. Trade refined flour carbohydrates for whole grains. Once
eaten, carbs are metabolized into blood glucose, which every
cell uses as a primary energy source. As a matter of fact,
glucose is the brain's only source of fuel! However, if you eat
more carbs than your body needs, it converts the leftover
glucose into fat. Enjoy whole-grain wraps, multi-grain
crackers, hearty breads and long grain, wild or basmati rice.

· Fulfill yourself with reasonable portions. You should never
eat until you're stuffed--nor should you ever get up from the
table hungry. Your stomach can hold about one quart of food and
beverage, an amount that would fit in your cupped hands. The
trick to fulfillment is to slow down! Savor your food, and chew
each bite 30 times. Not only is this the first crucial step in
digestion, but it allows your stomach and brain to register
when you're full. Don't interfere with your body's ability to
enjoy food by watching TV, working, or worse yet, driving. Sit
down, relax, and enjoy your meal.

· Drink 8 to 16 glasses of water every day. Maintaining
hydration is a key component of overall health. Also, water
flushes away fat and transports nutrients throughout your body.

· Treat yourself in moderation. Never eating another potato
chip or piece of cake again is completely unrealistic. However,
they should not be staples in your diet. Figure out what you
can't live without, and treat yourself to it occasionally.

· Take high-quality vitamin and mineral supplements each day.
No matter how healthy a diet, our food will not provide 100
percent of all the vital nutrients that our bodies need daily.
Ensuring that you have all the bases covered by taking a
multivitamin will go a long way toward a long and healthy life.

Maintaining a healthy diet to live by daily is not difficult
when the basics of good nutrition are observed. Protein and
fruits and vegetables are the cornerstone, with a few
whole-grain carbs thrown in. The ratio of protein should always
exceed that of carbs. This will stabilize your blood sugar and
eliminate snacking between meals. Although you can jump start
weight loss on a low-carb diet, you should enjoy at least one
serving of whole-grain carbs every day.

"Healthy" food does not mean bland. The problem with the
typical American diet is that it consists of highly refined
foods full of synthetic ingredients. Also, portion sizes are
out of control. When you start enjoying a healthy diet daily,
you will regard highly processed foods as poison, boring and
bland. Those who are beginning a natural weight loss program
should also cut out the following killers.

· Red meat - If you want to enjoy red meat occasionally, that's
ok. However, avoid the fatty cuts such as rib-eyes and go for a
lean filet.

· Burger-and-fry fast food - Fast food is absolutely the worst
thing you can eat. The buns alone are nothing but high-fructose
corn syrup and partially hydrogenated oil, both of which clog
arteries. If you have to eat fast food, opt for fresh
sandwiches on whole-grain breads or wraps.

· Refined carbohydrates - Any store-bought white food such as
doughnuts, bagels, white bread, snack crackers, and potato
chips will make you gain weight faster than almost anything.

· Dairy products - Dairy products tend to be very high in fat.
If you can't live without them, limit them to the low-fat and
organic varieties. Considers substitutes such as olive oil or
natural yogurt.

· High-fructose corn syrup - If you read a few labels, you'll
be amazed to see how often this is a top ingredient. Corn syrup
is engineered to be 80 percent fructose and 20 percent glucose
-that's twice the fructose of regular sugar. Fruit's natural
fiber allows a sustainable absorption rate throughout all
cells. Alternatively, high-fructose corn syrup is absorbed
rapidly, and it must be metabolized in the liver. This excess
causes weight gain.

· Alcohol - Limit yourself to three drinks per week. Your liver
puts fat metabolism on hold to process alcohol. Also, alcoholic
drinks like margaritas and beer are high in caloric content.

Diet is just one factor in the equation for weight loss. The
other key element in a successful weight loss program is daily
exercise. You should engage in 30 minutes of aerobic activity
every day. Choose something that you enjoy such as walking,
bicycling, hiking, swimming, or any team sports. It is easier
to keep exercising daily if the activities you choose are fun.
After all, exercise is a way of life -just like eating a
healthy diet.

Looking great is one perk of regular exercise, but the most
powerful benefits are to your health. Aerobic activity
strengthens the immune system, is the number one stress buster,
reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes, boosts
self-confidence, and will even improve your sex life!

These key principles will help you start your successful weight
loss program. It's now up to you - begin a nutritious diet, take
a high-quality vitamin and mineral supplement and exercise

About The Author: Want to learn more about the role of
nutrition and exercise as part of a healthy lifestyle? Visit us


Essential Vitamins - Essential For Life

Taking nutritional supplements is now commonplace and it is
known that regular use of multivitamins with minerals can be
essential for long-term vitality and health. A nutritional
supplement is distinctly different from an herbal remedy, which
uses natural materials to treat an illness or condition, such as
the use of herbal teas sometimes used to clear mucus from a
baby's lungs. A supplement is precisely what the word suggests.
It supplements the diet and ensures the provision of the range
of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients, such as
antioxidants, required for the body to function as it is
intended to do.

For example, vitamin B12 is present only in animal tissue, so
vegans will require a vitamin B12 supplement to avoid a
deficiency. The same is true of alcoholics, where intake and
absorption are reduced.

The benefits of such supplements are well known and accepted
and many people need to supplement their daily diets in some
way. However, while nutritional supplements can be carefully
chosen to provide the substances that are required to ensure
good health, how do you know that what you are buying is
actually doing you good? In fact it is very difficult, and the
form they come in is important.

Many nutritional supplements come packaged in a gelatin
capsule. The problem is that gelatin is not easily digested and
can form sticky glue that results in the supplement itself being
difficult to digest and result in reduced assimilation into the
body. Gelatin is made from raw materials like hooves and other
parts, and can contain the various chemicals, such as hormones
and antibiotics, used in many forms of animal feed. Gelatin
capsules are bad news to many people.

The common tablet can also contain toxins, in the form of the
binders needed to hold it together. Also, the high pressures
required to form the tablet also give rise to high
temperatures, which can destroy part of the nutritional value
of the main ingredient. Nutritional supplements in tablet form
can be difficult to assimilate into the body, and if they are
taken regularly, the toxic ingredients can accumulate in the
body, giving rise to longer-term problems.

Many nutritional supplements contain flow agents, such as
magnesium stearate, which allows a powder to flow freely,
titanium dioxide as a whitening agent and flavoring agents such
as monosodium glutamate that some people are allergic to.

You will note that all of these ingredients are present either
to present the product in a more palatable or better-looking
form, or as a means of delivery to the mouth. It should seem
obvious that the simplest way to do this is in the form of a

The main problem with the individual vitamins and minerals,
supplied as individual chemicals in a mixture, is that they are
easily destroyed by stomach acid. Gelatin, particularly, can
increase stomach acidity. Natural substances are absorbed at
well over 60% compared to around 10% of individual chemicals.
This is because the natural materials come attached to proteins
that the body easily assimilates. Therefore, nutritional
supplements in form of liquids, extracted from the natural
fruits and vegetables, are significantly more effective than
the individual mixtures that most people take.

Liquid supplements can provide a wide range of nutritional
needs in a form that is very easily absorbed the body. Mixtures
of minerals and vitamins are readily available in liquid form,
and can be flavored with natural fruit juices. In addition to
these traditional supplements there are many others, such as
the acai berry, a very rich source of amino and fatty acids,
essential for the generation of enzymes and proteins that
ensure the correct chemical balance in the body for the
production of enzymes and proteins. These are necessary for the
development of strength and energy.

Pomegranate and blueberry juices are very rich in antioxidants.
These are necessary to destroy the free radicals that form in
the body and that can cause cancers and heart disease. Other
supplements rich in antioxidants are ascorbic acid (Vitamin C),
beta-carotene, grape juice and cranberry juice.

When choosing which nutritional supplement to buy, determine
first where your diet may be failing you. Most people who eat a
balanced diet do not need to take daily vitamin and mineral
supplement, since there are enough vitamins in their diet.
Occasional individual mineral supplements might be required for
specific conditions and antioxidants are always a useful
supplement to take, though even with these, overuse can cause

The form in which they are supplied is important to how much
benefit you get from nutritional supplements, and to what
degree they are absorbed in a useful form by the body. Liquid
supplements are undoubtedly the best form, though not all
vitamins are water-soluble. However, where available, this
should be the preferred method of consumption.

About The Author: While engaged in business as an indepedendent
representative for New Vision International
(, Michelle Tucker's overall
goal is to help circulate informational information about good
health and wellbeing. "Everyone deserves to live the best life
they can."


Low Immunity Problems? Start A Discount Vitamin Regimen

Discount vitamins can give the first responders in our bodies
the equipment they need to fight disease and aging by boosting
our immune systems. So much depends upon this misunderstood,
complex collection of organs and glands, yet most people take
their immune system for granted. They don't know they have low
immunity until a problem breaks out elsewhere. The immune
system is not only the dragon at the door battling all
attackers, but the canary in the cage -- the first system to be
compromised when a person's health takes a turn for the worst.

Our society depends upon first responders, like firefighters,
police, and medical teams. They can't respond to emergency
without the proper tools, and neither can our immune systems.
That means good nutrition. When human beings were still
hunter-gatherers living in trees and caves, they had a more
balanced diet; now much of the junk food people consume is
actually harmful to the body. Stress, aging, prescription
drugs, tobacco and alcohol, poor diet, too little sleep, and
too much work all contribute to a weakened immune system. Plus
every year brings new threats from bird flu and other emerging
viruses until humanity is virtually under siege.

Now it's time to reinforce the immune system with those
important vitamins, amino acids, and enzymes that make a
difference in the body. It's never too late to begin a vitamin
regimen for general good health, especially when multivitamins
have become so common. Several recent studies have shown the
benefits of adding supplements to the average diet to boost the
immune system.

Vitamin D-3
The importance of Vitamin D in all its forms have been known
for centuries, for as long as humans have consumed milk. In the
Journal of Immunotherapy, 2000, Volume 23, scientists reported
how Vitamin D-3 treatments in mice enhanced the immune system's
reaction toward tumors. Studies showed that Vitamin D-3
increased T-cell immune activity against tumors and lessened
the chance of spreading to other tissue, or metastasis. In mice
and humans, a tumor leads to an increase in a bone marrow cell
called CD34, which naturally suppresses the effectiveness of
healthy T-cells to fight the tumor. Vitamin D-3 give T-cells a
boost, lowers CD34, and keeps the tumor from spreading. This is
exactly the kind of help the immune system needs.

Enzymes are one of the least understood of proteins, but also
one of the most important for healthy immunology. Enzymes
catalyze chemical reactions in the body -- they're like the
sewage system, treating substances entering the body. Because
enzymes can be inhibited or accelerated by other substances and
conditions, they can sometimes do more harm than good. A
stomachache is a simple example of this, and a common remedy is
taking an antacid, which attempts to inhibit digestive enzymes
in the stomach. Telomerase is an interesting enzyme that's been
getting a lot of press. Found in stem cells, it allows cells to
grow faster and live longer, and it's one of the reasons that
stem cells duplicate so quickly. Whether Telomerase is the
Fountain of Youth or one of the reasons for rapid cancer growth
is still being researched, but common enzymes are known to help
eyesight, digestion, and cell regeneration.

In both the human body and the lawn furniture, oxidation is a
chemical process best avoided. There's growing research that
antioxidants help to protect virtually every cell in the human
body, and we are discovering more and more antioxidants all the
time. Alpha-lipoic acid is showing up more frequently in
discount vitamins, because it reverses aging in cells.
Melatonin protects the membrane cytoskeleton of red blood cells
from structural changes due to oxidation. Vitamin C, Vitamin E,
and beta-carotene all do their best to protect the cells that
make up our most important senses, plus our skin and hair.
Selenium has been shown to block cancer growth in the breast
tissue of rodents. Alpha-lipoic acid even increases the
retention of Vitamin E in the cells of older people, as one
vitamin helps another.

Good Old Vitamins
Thiamine, Riboflavin, and Niacin are also known as Vitamins B1,
B2, and B3, respectively. They help the body convert
carbohydrates and fat into energy, while they promote proper
function of the heart, nervous, and digestive systems. Vitamin
B2 is needed to form red blood cells and antibodies, so it's
essential to the immune system. Riboflavin also helps prevent
many types of eye diseases, including cataracts, which afflict
many people in old age. Niacin is needed for a healthy liver
and metabolism, and it aids in repairing cells and DNA. Vitamin
E, Vitamin K, and Omega 3 fatty acids are all popular
supplements that help to maintain a healthy immune system.

The effect of garlic on the immune system has long been
debated, but there's no debate that garlic contains a natural
antibiotic, anti-fungal agent called allicin. Calcium and
Vitamins K and D are needed for good blood clotting and bone
formation. A person could make a life-long study of dietary
supplements and their uses, but the simplest way to start is
with a good multivitamin from a reputable firm.

Junk in, Junk out
Common sense is integral part of the immune system, because
protection starts with what we put into our mouths. Studies
reported in Cancer Letters have shown that a diet rich in n-6
fatty acids (corn oil) promotes inflammation and the growth of
tumors. Whereas a diet rich in fish oil, which contain lots of
Omega 3 fatty acids and Vitamin E, slowed inflammation of the
colon and other cancer-prone tissue. Hydrogenated cooking oils
are now in such disfavor they've been banned from the city of
New York. Whole books have been written on the dangers and
empty calories found in refined sugar and refined flour, so
there's no need to go into that here. Suffice to say that no
attempt to improve the immune system can survive a lousy,
careless diet.

Almost every week and especially during flu season, we get
treated to the usual articles stating that merely washing our
hands more often will help us avoid the sniffles. It sounds
simple -- it is simple -- but how many people heed these
warnings? No, we're more likely to stay out of drafts, when
it's been proven that drafts do not cause colds. Regular
check-ups with a doctor, regular blood tests, getting the
proper vaccines, and giving up bad habits -- such as smoking --
are all known to keep human beings healthier. Nobody even
debates that anymore, but how many of us take these simple
preventive steps to aid the immune system? Common sense goes
hand in hand with being healthy.

When Dr. Linus Pauling reported that Vitamin C helped the
immune system fight the common cold, it was big news in 1970.
Almost forty years later, there is really no excuse for
ignoring the beneficial effects of vitamins, minerals, and
other dietary supplements. Multivitamins are sold all over town
and the internet, often tailored to gender and age, so anyone
can start a vitamin regimen with complete confidence. So take
your discount vitamins, and give your immune system every break
it deserves.

About The Author: By a freelance writer for VitaNet ® Health
foods, who sells quality vitamins and
herbs with a wide selection of Discount Vitamins: that are in stock and ready to ship.
Please link to this site when using article.


Healthy, High Calorie Foods For Weight Gain

Who's sexier - Jennifer Lopez or Olive Oyl from the old Popeye
cartoons? Most people would emphatically reply, "J-Lo!" Some of
us are naturally endomorphs, and have difficulty losing weight.
At the other end of the spectrum are ectomorphs, who are thin
and actually have trouble gaining weight. Being skinny can be
emotionally difficult. That may be hard to believe, especially
for women, given our current "thin-is-in" culture of beauty.
Others who may want to gain weight include body builders and
those who are overcoming eating disorders.

The idea behind gaining weight is not to become obese of course
- so fast food is definitely out of the question. That's because
obesity is accompanied by serious health risks such as heart
disease and diabetes. Rather, people who want to gain weight
need healthy high-calorie foods for weight gain. The healthy
way to gain weight naturally is with high-protein foods - which
will also build attractive, lean muscle.

The three primary nutrients for the human body are protein,
which supplies amino acids; fats, which supply fatty acids; and
carbohydrates, which supply glucose. These three primary
nutrients are also the foods to gain weight with! Here's a
snapshot of how to optimize your diet with healthy high-calorie
foods for weight gain.

Protein should be the building block of every meal and snack.
Protein builds lean muscle. This does not mean fast-food
burgers! Be sure that your protein sources are lean: chicken,
fish, or vegetarian alternatives such as beans and tofu. Red
meat and dairy products are not generally recommended because
they're high in saturated fat. However, there are healthy ways
to eat red meat and dairy products, which we'll discuss
shortly. Your serving of protein should be the largest portion
on your plate. Lean protein snacks include hummus, nuts,
low-fat cheese and yogurt.

Enjoy hearty whole-grain carbohydrates. This does not mean
white, highly processed carbs such as potato chips, white bread
and bagels! Think brown. Whole-grain carbs include items such as
multi-grain crackers, whole wheat bread and basmati rice. People
who are watching their weight avoid highly processed carbs and
reduce their intake of whole-grain carbs to one or two servings
per day. Since your goal is to gain weight, feel free to eat
whole-grain carbohydrates with every meal. Seven-grain crackers
dipped in hummus makes a hearty snack!

Eat at least five servings of fresh fruits and vegetables every
day. You can boost your serving intake by also drinking 100
percent natural fruit juices. Also, be sure to add a fruit or
vegetable to every meal. We could change that old saying "An
apple a day keeps the doctor away" to "Five servings a day
keeps sickness at bay!"

Enjoy healthy fats. Fats encourage nutrient absorption,
facilitate nerve transmission, and maintain cell integrity.
This does not mean eating greasy french fries! Not all fats are
created equal. There are good fats and bad fats. The good guys
are monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. Monounsaturated
fats lower LDL, or bad, cholesterol and they also increase HDL,
or good cholesterol. Tasty examples are nut, canola and olive
oils. Polyunsaturated fats lower LDL and total cholesterol,
too. Those healthy omega 3 fatty acids that you're always
hearing about are polyunsaturated fats. Salmon, fish oil, and
corn, soy, safflower and sunflower oils are high in
polyunsaturated fats. Dip your whole-grain bread from a local
baker in gourmet olive oil! Make a big, creamy batch of
guacamole from hearty avocados--throw in some chunks of tomato
and onion. These are delicious, healthy, high-calorie foods for
weight gain! Avoid bad fats, as they instigate heart disease and
certain types of cancer. The bad guys are saturated fats and
trans fats. Saturated fats raise LDL and total cholesterol;
they're found primarily in animal products, including meat,
dairy and eggs. Trans fats come from hydrogenated oils.
Scientists whip hydrogen into any type of oil, even originally
healthy oils, to give processed foods a longer shelf life and a
creamier "mouth feel." French fries and buns, stick margarine,
vegetable shortening and countless packaged foods contain
partially hydrogenated oils. Read the labels, and avoid them.

If you're going to eat animal products occasionally, protect
your health by doing it the right way. If you want to enjoy
some red meat and dairy products as part of your healthy plan
to gain weight, here are some tricks to keep bad fats in check.
Opt for meat and dairy products that come from grass-fed
animals, preferably from local small family farmers in your
area. Now, organic and grass-fed meat is available at most
supermarkets. Not only are these products vastly superior in
flavor, but also contain more good fats, especially omega 3
fatty acids, than bad fats. They also have conjugated lineolic
acid, and are high in beta-carotene. These nutrients plummet in
ordinary mass-produced meat and dairy products, because the
animals are fed corn, which is less expensive and makes animals
larger. You might also be shocked to learn that the animals are
often fed truckloads of stale or ruined junk food such as snack
cakes from bakery outlets because it's so cheap.

Another method you can use to supplement healthy foods to gain
weight is by focusing on anaerobic exercise rather than aerobic
exercise. Aerobic exercise is moderate activity performed over
an extended period of time, such as running and bicycling.
Aerobic exercise burns fat. However, if you're trying to gain
weight, retain a little fat to sculpt into lean, attractive
muscle, and turn to anaerobic exercise. Anaerobic exercise is
high-intensity with short bursts of action, such as weight
lifting, sprinting and jumping. Weight lifting is the perfect
anaerobic exercise for someone who's trying to gain weight.
Body builders use this type of anaerobic exercise to build
muscle mass, and non-endurance sports athletes use it to build
power. Weightlifting creates a hard body for men that women
love, and it sculpts those curves on women that men appreciate!
Once you attain your desired weight, you can supplement
anaerobic exercise with aerobic exercise for overall
cardiovascular health.

In addition to these diet tips, you can supplement your healthy
diet with protein supplements. It is often difficult to eat
enough protein each day, so supplementing with a soy or whey
protein shake can help increase overall intake. Everyone who is
too skinny wants to gain weight, look great, and build strength.
Take the next step today, and enjoy the benefits of a fit,
healthy body.

About The Author: Want to learn more about the role of
nutrition and exercise as part of a healthy lifestyle? Visit us

Boost Your Metabolism: Lose Weight, Get More Energy, And Feel Great

Many dieters give up dieting because they get too tired. It's
impossible to deal with all the demands on your life if you're
exhausted all the time. The major reason you're exhausted is
because your metabolism has slowed, because you're not taking
in sufficient calories. One of the secrets to losing weight -
and keeping it off forever - is to eat with your metabolism in
mind. You can boost your metabolism very easily. Then not only
will you lose weight, but you'll have loads of energy and
you'll feel great.

What's Your Metabolism? Why Does It Matter?

Your metabolism is the rate at which your body turns calories
into usable energy - the calories from food you eat, and from
the stored fat in your body. Most dieters don't realize that
they need to EAT to burn their fat reserves. Your body will
turn into a hoarder if you're not eating enough to burn fat.

How To Boost Your Metabolism Fast

To boost your metabolism, it's essential that you eat more than
1000 calories a day. If you eat less, hoping that you'll lose
weight faster, your body won't let you. It will go into
starvation mode, hoarding each calorie. THis is one of the
major reasons that dieters plateau - and some dieters even put
on weight on a diet.

So eat more - over 1000 calories. Start your day by eating
breakfast. This starts your metabolism for the day.

Walk - And Lift Weights For a 24-Hour Metabolism Boost

Did you know that if you go for a 20-minute walk, it will boost
your metabolism for 24 hours? You should also lift some weights
to increase your muscle-mass, because your muscles burn
calories. There's no need to go to the gym and become a
bodybuilder. Just get some small weights, and lift them while
you watch TV.

So there you have it - easy ways to boost your metabolism: eat,
get some exercise, and lift weights. You'll be amazed that just
a single day of eating a little more, and moving around more,
will help you to lose weight, feel great, and have much more

About The Author: Make your metabolism roar - Top Metabolism at gives you all the information you
need to lose weight, and gain energy. For additional weight
loss info, visit 30 Day Slimmer at


Raw Fruits And Vegetables For An Effective Body Detox

Our bodies have a built-in body detox system which naturally
removes any harmful substances present in the body through the
process of excretion. But unhealthy eating and living habits
disturb this process, which can lead to various health
problems. A disturbed sleeping pattern, lack of sleep, anxiety,
and use of excessive medication are some of causes of body
poisoning. Fruits, juices and vegetables help to detoxify the
body from these substances.

The main cause of body poisoning is excessive extra fat being
stored in the body. The main focus of many body detox programs
is the reduction of this body fat, as most of the toxic
substances are soluble in body fat.

Another body detox method is water fasting. Water fasting helps
in speeding up the metabolism of the fat present in the body,
thus leading to the release of the body toxins. However, people
who are in poor health should not choose to do any water

Juice fasting is yet another effective way to detoxify the
body, as fruits help to provide vital enzymes the body needs,
and that increases the natural ability of the body to fight the

The most beneficial fruits are the acid fruits, such as lemons,
oranges and grapefruit. Other ideal fruits include tomatoes and
pineapples. The best way to kick start your morning is to take
a refreshing combination of fruit to detoxify the body. Just
squeeze three oranges, two mandarins and half a grapefruit and
enjoy this wonderful health juice. It is not good to use a lot
of acid fruits when you are not well, as the excess use of it
during illness leads to an overreaction to toxins., which will
be leave your body bereft of the essential nutrients present.

Another good way to detoxify is by taking lemon and honey. This
is less stringent than water fasting. Following a lemon and
honey fasting program will not only detoxify the body, but will
also provide nutrition and give you a more comfortable cleansing

Taking raw and unprocessed vegetables and fruits is good for
your body as they produce live antitoxin enzymes. When fruits
and vegetables are cooked, these enzymes are destroyed. Eating
raw vegetables and fruits also improves your bowel movements,
helping your body become more resistant to diseases.

Fiber is very important for your digestion and uncooked
vegetable and fruits have a very high fiber, which helps to
cleanse the body. Youngsters who follow the toxin-prone
lifestyle of modern fast foods should follow this raw
vegetables and fruits diet for an effective body detox.

About The Author: Are you considering a total body detox? Find
out more about the total body detox and if it's right for you
