Saturday, February 3, 2007

Recipes For Diabetics

Do you need some help in cooking appropriate, healthy meals
with regards to your diabetic condition? There are a plethora
of delicious meals that can be made to revolve around the
dietary needs of a diabetic. Your goal should be to make meals
that contain fruits, starches, and vegetables, while
restricting the use of simple sugars to a minimum. Healthy
eating is of vital importance to a diabetic. Regulating blood
sugar levels and maintaining your ideal weight are two key
health factors. Additionally, consuming healthy foods lowers
your risk of heart disease, a condition that often plagues
those with iabetes.

When cooking, there are some simple steps you can take to
ensure that your meals be both delicious and nutritious.

* Whole grain cereals and breads are an excellent source of
carbohydrates, as they contain a host of nutrients. Eat them as
frequently as possible.

* When purchasing chicken or turkey, choose skinless varieties
or remove the skin prior to cooking.

* When purchasing meat, you should buy the more lean cuts.
Sirloin steaks typically have a very low fat content and are
recommended for those with diabetes.

* Fish and vegetables are commonly served with butter. Instead,
try using a slice of lemon or lime to season your meal.

* Broiling, roasting, or stir-frying your meats is ideal as
these methods help to keep the meal healthy.

* Instead of vegetable oil, use canola or olive oil as a
healthy alternative.

* Cereal should be consumed with skim or 1 percent milk. This
helps to lower your fat intake without requiring a major
dietary change.

* In recipes that call for oil, butter, or shortening, using a
vegetable oil spray can be a great alternative.

These are just a few of the basic guidelines on which you
should base recipes for diabetics. If you are searching for
specific diabetes-friendly recipes, the internet can be a
wealth of information. On the website,,
you will find a Recipe of the Day, as well as a categorized
listing of available recipes, ranging from appetizers to

With a wide range of recipes, you should not feel limited by
your dining options. If you are suffering from diabetes,
consulting a dietitian can be a great first step in
establishing an adequate diabetic diet. Nutritionists can also
help in this regard. If you need to find someone who can
educate you about healthy eating for diabetes, you can contact
the American Association of Diabetes Educators, which you can
find at the This site features an
interactive search engine that lets you enter exactly what type
of diabetes educator you are looking for, as well as the state
or Zip Code in which you live. It will then pinpoint available
dietitians, nurses, doctors, and other health care
professionals that are available to help you to make informed
decisions regarding your diabetes. If you are unable to access
the web, you can call them at 1-800-338-3633.

About The Author: Barbara Jones contributes to several online
magazines, including and


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