Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Vitamins And Cancer Prevention

Much has been studied about the role of certain vitamins,
minerals and herbs in cancer prevention. Some of the most
promising cancer prevention properties come from those vitamins
that are known as antioxidants.

Antioxidants are substances that protect the body's cells from
damage caused by dangerous free radicals, which can potentially
cause cancer. There are many different sources of antioxidants,
including herbs, vitamins, and foods. Here are some of the most
widely recommended supplements thought to help prevent cancer by
fighting free radicals:

Beta Carotene: Beta carotene is thought to reduce the risk of
cancer, especially lung cancer. Beta carotene is naturally
occurring in red and orange foods such as pumpkin, squash,
carrots, and red peppers. Beta carotene can also be found in
dark leafy greens like spinach and kale.

Lutein: Lutein can help prevent colon cancer and encourage good
eye health. Find lutein in dark green vegetables like collard
greens, kale and spinach.

Lycopene: Lycopene has been studied for it's prostate cancer
preventing properties. Tomato products are the best sources of
lycopene. Studies have shown that processed tomato products
like canned tomatoes, soups and juices are higher in lycopene
than fresh tomatoes.

Vitamin A:Vitamin A, whose most common form is retinol, is a
powerful antioxidant with cancer preventing properties that is
found in such foods as liver, carrots, milk, egg yolk and sweet

Vitamin C: Getting enough Vitamin C can help prevent cancers of
the mouth, throat, esophagus, lung and colon. Vitamin C is found
in citrus fruits, berries, broccoli, and even lean poultry, beef
and types of fish.

Vitamin E: Vitamin E is thought to prevent certain types of
cancer such as prostate cancer and can be found in foods like
green, leafy vegetables, fortified cereals, wheat germ oil and

Green Tea: Green tea is a powerful source of free-radical
fighting antioxidants. Drink green tea in it's natural form or
try a supplement if you can't stand the taste.

It's a good idea to eat a balanced diet rich in fruits,
vegetables, lean protein and healthy fat like the omegas found
in wild salmon. You can add vitamin supplements to your diet as
well. Try a multivitamin that contains a specialized blend of
all the vitamins required for total-body health.

Before adding nutritional supplements to your diet, talk to
your doctor or nutritionist to be sure you take the right
dosage and tell them what medications you are taking to avoid
possibly dangerous interactions.

About The Author: To learn more about Vitamin Supplements,
check out the author's Vitamin Information website.


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