Monday, February 19, 2007

Weight Loss Tips, Tricks, And Special Tactics

At one time, nutritionists and health experts believed that
healthy people do not need to use detoxification procedures as
long as they maintain and eat a well- balanced diet. A Danish
chemist recovered from "the point of death" by using sauna.
"Dry sauna" has been used for centuries to reverse symptoms in
the Hg miners of Spain.

Green tea is also a great immune-enhancing health-booster and
anti-cancer agent, with flavonoids and polyphenols thought to
inhibit tumor formation.

Technology. We live in a grand time of technological
development. Computers, the Internet, cell phones, digital
cameras and DVDs. But the human body has not 'kept up' with
technology. Teens partying late at night and imbibing drugs and
alcohol for added fun, often dominated the silver screen. Quite
a pretty picture isn't it? Oftentimes teens see it as an
epitome. Although Hollywood does its part to show a different
side of alcohol and drug addiction with movies like
"Trainspotting" and "Girl Interrupted", the character still
ended up being glamorous and ideal in nature and often
overshadows the dark side of addiction.

Weight Loss Tips, Tricks, and Tactics

I personal lost 60 pounds in 2005. Here are some tactics I used
to lose the weight.

Eat every three hours. This will keep your blood sugar stable.
Try to eat real food at least three times a day, breakfast,
lunch and dinner. In between your food meals take a good meal
replacement shake or bar.

Never eat a carbohydrate by itself. This is basically all
sugar. When you eat a carbohydrate by itself there is a sudden
increase in sugar in the body. This causes the body to release
insulin. However, the body releases too much insulin because it
thinks more sugar is coming. The insulin basically grabs the
sugar/carbohydrate and stores it to fat for use at some other
time. Since your body released too much insulin there is not
enough sugar to support the brain function. That is why you
feel tired or sluggish. So you're fatter and dumber.

Watch the gums and mints. Many of these little gums and mints
contain calories, sugars, and everything else that is not good
for you. Read the labels, if it has sugar in it do not eat it.
Time is relative and no two individuals will give the same
measurement of time to achieve their goals. It depends on what
you are accustomed to in your life.

Do I believe in detox? Well, most of it is plain simple
commonsense - proper diet, judicious supplementation, adequate
rest, exercise, stress-relieving techniques.

It is also important to understand that detoxification do not
work in isolation. It requires careful understanding of the
different substances that will help the body recuperate and
fight back diseases. Have you ever washed greasy dishes without
hot water or dish soap? The dishes don't get clean, do they?
When toxic metals and chemical food additives get inside your
body, it takes a strong "cleanser" to scrub your body clean
from the inside out.

On the other hand, drug dependence often begins with the misuse
of legal drugs like prescription drugs and inhalants. Inhalants
are legal substances that becomes illegal when use in a manner
that causes a person to get high. Eat foods that have 30% or
less, calories from fat. Everyone is on this big no
carbohydrate craze. However, did you know that 1 gram of
carbohydrate contains 4 calories, 1 gram of protein contains 4
calories, and 1 gram of fat contains 9 calories? There are over
twice as many calories in a single gram of fat, than in a
protein or carbohydrate.

To find out how many calories are from fat check the label. The
label will list the total calories and then list how many
calories are from fat. If there are 100 total calories, and
there are 70 calories from fat, that's 70%, too high.

Give yourself one reward day to eat and drink whatever you
want. You worked hard all week, reward yourself.

Alcohol is a converted to a sugar. Save it for your free day.
If you do drink, it might also be helpful to take hydroxycitric
acid capsules about 30 minutes before drinking. Hydroycitric
acid is from the herb Garcinia Cambogia. This interferes with
the enzyme that converts excess sugars into triglycerides,
lessening the likelihood the alcohol will be stored as fat.

Drug and alcohol rehab serves a single purpose for any addicted
person and that is to help this person to stop using the drug or
drugs that they are dependent on. There has been a lot in the
news lately about the amazing healing properties of turmeric, a
free-radical-fighting antioxidant-rich curry spice that has been
hailed as a defense against both cancer and Alzheimer's.

Did you know that most deodorants have aluminum as their active
ingredient? Your body quickly absorbs this metal, solving the
day's odor problem. Research has shown that addiction is
treatable. Drug Detox today and pass your drug test!

Conventional, mainstream (allopathic) medical practitioners
have yet to latch on to this concept, since they're only
trained to treat diseases and symptoms specifically without
treating the patient as a whole.

Making simple detox diets are relatively uncomplicated, but you
may need some time to see perfect it. To get you started, here
are some easy guidelines in making simple detox diet.

About The Author: Drug Detox today and pass your drug test!
More at

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