Friday, March 23, 2007

Glyconutrient Supplementation Is Essential To Your Health!

These all natural nutritional supplements are not vitamins,
minerals, herbs or homeopathics. They are quite literally the
operating system of the human body. The eight vital
glyconutrients are the alphabet of life, the language that
every cell in our body uses to communicate with other cells.
This technology is based on Nobel Prize winning science. The
fact that we only get two of the eight necessary glyconutrients
in our Western diet has led to the epidemic of chronic
degenerative disease as well as immune system dysfunction.
These dietary supplements work at the cell level to restore
normal cellular communication and function. This allows the
body's own innate defense and repair mechanisms to function as
they were designed to. In this way, glyconutrients address the
CAUSE of the problem rather than just suppressing the SYMPTOMS.
They also dramatically increase our body's production of Stem
Cells for tissue repair and regeneration. The medical
implications of this discovery are phenomenal.

The Facts

First of all this is now a medically established fact. In 1996,
Harper's Biochemistry, a prominent medical text book added a new
chapter called Glycoproteins.

Second, researchers who study this cellular communication
proclaim it to be the most important discovery in the history
of medicine.

In addition, MIT's Technology Review , February 2003 issue
says: Glycomics, the study and application of these vital
sugars to be one of the Ten Emerging Technologies That Will
Change The World.

Also, the process to make the 8 glyconutrients is very complex
and requires a host of enzymes and micronutrients to complete
the action. Scientists believe that our modern, nutrient
deficient diet, along with toxins and stress interferes with
this process, leaving us lacking in these life-giving

For example, without these cell surface sugars, your body's
operating system ''breaks down'' .Your body might decide to
attack healthy good cells, resulting in autoimmune diseases
such as MS, Lupus, fibromyalgia and arthritis, while bad cells
like cancer are left to grow and multiply.

Another important thing is that Physicians' Desk Reference for
Non Prescription Drugs and Dietary Supplements lists these
sugars. Clinically proven to be absolutely safe, glyconutrients
are exactly the same sugars your body produces, making it
physiologically impossible for them to interfere with
prescription drugs, or harm you in any way.

Last but not least, no other product, natural or artificial has
ever been clinically proven to stimulate the body's production
of stem cells. Doctors at the Fisher Institute for Medical
Research were perplexed by the numerous reports from around the
world of Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and stroke sufferers making
remarkable recoveries and diabetics producing insulin again.

With proper cellular communication, your body has the a ability
to reverse any health condition.

About The Author: Daniela Riess is a wellness consultant from
Florida USA


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